Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cards from Fabric!

The pictures on the front of these cards come from fabric.
Can you believe it?
One of my favorite
has so many wonderful prints.
Love these cards!
Thanks, Loralie.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My personal craft closets!!!!!

Two rooms of closets.
Lots of craft stuff.
Keeping things organized and in their place
may be the hardest job I've ever done.
I am one very lucky, little girl.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Digital Stamps

The new thing now is Digital Stamps.  I found the best site.
That would be Mo's Digital Pencil.
Maurie Manning is an incredible artist.
After you download the image, you can resize perfect is that!
What do you think?

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Piper has the Perfect Hat!

Piper is adorable in that hat.....wait, I made that hat.
Enjoy your hat, Piper.
You look fabulous!
Your grandmother has great taste in hats.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

This is where "art" meets "rubber".......

This is a little change from my usual funny cards......
but, hey......change is good!  Right?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Steampunk, Vintage, or just plain WEIRD!!!!

Went to Stampfest Rubber Stamp Convention in Clearwater, FL (Feb. 2012).
Lots and lots of unmounted stamps....which I love.
Found many stamps that looked like they came from old photographs.
Worked up a few cards.  The red rubber is NOT deeply etched so the image is not crisp.
 I still will make my funny cards, but this is really a change.
What do you think?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Favorite Design Team

I am such a lucky little girl!
I'm on the Design Team of Stamp N Plus (
I have so much fun creating cards for them from their stamps.
If you are looking for some really cute stamps, check out their site.
You can also go to their blog at; you won't be disappointed.
Teaching card-making workshops has its rewards; I get lots of free ideas!
I am just sooooooooooo lucky!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Another Cutie Pie

My adorable hats are getting very popular.
Look at she not the cutest?
Thanks, Izzie, for showing off how cute you are
in one of my hand-knitted hats.
Hope it keeps your head and ears warm up north.....brrrrr!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hazel's New Hat

Hazel is absolutely adorable in that adorable hat.
I think Hazel is as cute as a "button" in that cute hat.
Hazel is the cutest, little cutie pie in that cute hat.
Lucky Hazel to look so beautiful in that beautiful hat.
Wouldn't you love to have a hat like that????

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Knitting for Children with Cancer

I love knitting; I can't get enough of!
I knit hats for kids with cancer.
I need a few more hours each day to do everything that I want to do.
Crafting has taken over my life.
Good thing I'm retired!! 

Rainberry Bay Card Makers

My students have sooooooo much fun making cards.
Theses ladies are so incredibly talented.
I am so very proud of them!
Keep up the great work ladies!

Abbey Delray Card Makers Hard at Work!

Don't these young ladies look like they are having fun? 
Here they are working with Kiwi Designs Templates. 
They did such a fabulous job.
I'm so proud of my students!